Park River Family Churches




St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Park River

The history of the missionary work by the Episcopal Church had its beginning about 1878, which was among the Indians of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. A large share of the work with the Indians in these three states is still under the jurisdiction of the Episcopal Church. It was some years later, in 1890, with the coming of many settlers of Episcopal faith, that churches were established at many points in North Dakota. In the local area churches were built at Grafton, Drayton, Walshville, Park River and Forest River. In 1881, John Code, brother of Ed Code, brought Rev. Law up from Grand Forks by team, which was a long drive for the first Episcopal service which was ever held in Park River. Service, the first missionary service in Park River was held in a log cabin belonging to Abraham Code, but at that time was the home of Will Code. It was located a mile and a half east of Park River on the south side or the road.

People or other denominations attended the first Episcopal service. As far as Ed Code recollects. there were no other services held at Park River until the Bishop's car, a railroad car, sometimes called the Cathedral car, came up on the railroad in the year 1884. This was the year that the railroad reached the Park River area. At the first service in the Code cabin, Richard Switzer was baptized. Rev. Law was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Jones, who officiated a short time only. The Rev. C. McCarthy charge of the work in 1886; at that time services were held in the Baptist church. After Mr. McCarthy, the Rev. Mr. Tassel took charge Of the Mission; he was followed in turn by the Rev. John Caldwell.

The coming of the Rev. Charles E. Dobson as Missionary in September 1898, marked the turn of the tide in the life of the mission. Although he remained five months, it was under his ministrations that the Mission took on new life. After his departure, the work was placed under the charge of the Rev. E.W. Burleson of Larimore. By holding semi-monthly services through nine months, Mr. Burleson kept the mission together until the coming of the Rev. Samuel Currie. It was Rev. Currie who fostered the building of St. Peter's Church in park River. They built a stone foundation with Stone walls extending about four feet above the foundation, the rest of the building was built with timber. Rev. Currie commandeered the young boys or the parish to collect symmetrical stones from the fields surrounding park River to be used in the building of the structure.


Rev. Samuel A. Currie, first minister of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Park River. Started work on the church in 1900 and the first service was in 1903

The church is located on the corner of Code and Sixth Street. The lots for the church were given by Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lord. Exclusive of the lots. the cost of the building and furniture was about $3,800 making the total value of the property something over $4,000. The cornerstone of the St. Peter's Mission was laid by Bishop Edsall on July 15,1901 and the consecration of the church took place January 23, 1902.


"In the summer or 1879. Almon Healy, a local preacher residing at Drayton on the Red River, visited the regions of the Park River looking for the scattered sheep. He had been commissioned to do this work by Presiding Elder Starkey. The service, held at that time in the house of John Wadge, was fairly attended and Healy made a second visit in September of the same year. The preacher at that time was in his sixtieth year. These dates and facts I have direct from Brother Healy. Rev. Ezra Healy was appointed pastor of Drayton and Kensington in 1880. In the following year Rev. R. J. Laird was given the charge or Kensington and Forest River and in the fall of 1882 Grafton and Kensington were united under the pastorage or Rev. John Walton. Next year Rev. J. Turner was appointed pastor of Kensington. The services of those years were held in the log schoolhouse on the farm of John Wadge. In the fall of 1884, the iron horse reached Park River about three miles west of the Kensington schoolhouse and a new town sprang into being. Rev. H. P. Cooper had just been appointed pastor of Park River and besides had charge of Grafton. Services at Park River were held for months in a railway coach until March when the new church building was occupied. Rev. J. Turner preaching the sermon therein. C.R. Honey and Robert Fletcher were active in this church work. The church was finished, and dedicated January 9, 1887. Cooper still being pastor of the charge. The membership changed very much during these years and the “membership generally reached 100”. Written by H.P. Cooper, October 1887

In the year 1918 the church burned and in 1920 a new church was built. Trustee members of the first board were John Wadge, William Burbidge, John Harris. Robert Fletcher and James McMurray.

The "Alphabetical Record Members in Full Connection” contains no mention of members received prior to 1881. The first member listed for 1881 is: William Burbidge. received from Canada by Rev. E. Healy, followed by the notation, “Died Dec. 21,1910, TRIUMPHANTLY.”


Methodist Episcopal Church

Other members received during 1881 were Martha Brown, C. H., Susan and Kate Honey, John, Harriett, Elizabeth and Hettie Harris, Mrs. R. B. Hunt, George and Sarah Nicklin, Sarah Elizabeth Ross, Mrs. E. W. Townshend, John, Mary and Thomas (or Enos) Wadge and Susie Wadge Code.

The first marriage of record was Nov. 1, 182. when Richard Mitchell and Mary Maize, both age 25, Crystal. ND. were married. The officiating minister was John Walton and the witnesses were C.A. MacNamara and Jane Mitchell.

The earliest baptisms recorded were Robert James Higgins and Annie Higgins, children of Benjamin and Janet Higgins who were baptized on Dec. 16, 1885. at Tiber. ND. by H.P. Cooper.