Piked to Death in Wicklow


Posted 19 Aug 2016 by chickadeedd55 on Ancestry.com

If you are not already aware, there are many people researching ancestors from the Wicklow/Wexford border, including the families of Halpennys, Twamleys, Codds, Chamneys, Daggs and so forth. They all lived within a 3-4 mile area in Wicklow or Wexford, and emigrated to Canada. Many of our families were united by the Rebellion of 1798 and battles such as the Battle of Ballyraheen/Ballyraheene, including Captain Nixon [Nickson], Captain Chamney, Captain Morton/Moreton; Twamleys and Halpennys. Also they had a close relationship at the Aghold/Agholwe Parish, which was led by Paster McGhee, a prominent figure in the Rebellion and Battle of Ballyraheen at Chamney's farmhouse. The Nicksons (Nixons) lived on Ballyraheen Hill, and the Mortons were neighbors of the Chamneys.


TWAMLEYS KILLED AT BATTLE OF BALLYRAHEEN (other spelling variations: Ballyraheene, Ballyraghine, Ballyrahine)


“…On the second of July, killed at the battle of Ballyraheene, captain Chamney, his nephew Joseph Olamney of Ballyrahin, captain Nixon of Nurney, James Twamley of Nurney, Christopher Twamley of Nurney, Michael Leonard of Nurney and James Bardon of Nurney in the parish of Coolakenny; all protestants.

Taken from Coolkenno town the same day and piked, in cold blood, George Davison, Joseph and William Halfpenny, Thomas Charlton, and also William Mires of Crownalay (Cronelea)...”


The following excerpt is from The Rebellion [of 1798] in Wicklow, by Ruan O’Donnell; Pg. 267, Chapter Five, ‘Late Rebellion to ‘Brigand war’: July-November 1798 [1]

"...In the days following the battle of Ballygullen small groups of rebels made their way towards Whelp Rock camp near Blessington. One group killed several loyalists whom they encountered en route just as they had on 2 July when marching to Ballyrahan. Edward Neil of Carnew was leading several mounted rebels on the Kilpipe Road on 6 July when they unexpectedly met George Hepenstall of Rosnastraw in company with John Myers and George Twamley of Coolaney. Twamley’s teenaged son Robert and brother Richard also formed part of the company and were taken by the rebels to Aghavannagh camp. The Loyalists had sensed the danger of their predicament which spurred George Twamley to make good his escape when confronted by Neil’s patrol. The others were brought to Aghavannagh, where 200-300 rebels attached to Anthony Perry had collected. The mood in the camp was dark following the privations and losses of the Wexford campaign and Hepenstall and Richard Twamley were promptly piked as 'Orangemen'. Garrett ‘Banogue’ Kavanagh, however, managed to prevent the execution of your Robert Twamley before Perry’s intervention put a stop to the bloodletting. This intersession was not without hazard for Kavanaugh who braved threats from Neil before Perry reprieved the surviving prisoners. Perry lacking writing materials to issue safe conduct passes which forced the men to remain with the insurgents and accompany them into Meath the next week. There were '40 holes in the shirt of Rich[ar]d Twamley' when his body was recovered.[2]..."

  1. Moore Diary, I, p. 304.

  2. 28 May 1799, NA, 620/17/30/57 and 14 November1799, NA, 620/17/30/41. See also, Musgraves, Rebellions, 4th edn., p. 696."

  3. From a UK book titled, "A REBEL HAND, Nicholas Delaney of 1798, From Ireland to Australia", by Patricia Owen and Frances Owen, Banner, London 1999. The Owens are Delaney descendants. Patricia is a former announcer with The Australian Broadcasting Commission and winner of BBC TV's 'Mastermind' competition; and Frances is her daughter, a former BBC broadcaster. It is the story of the Wicklow rebel involved in the murders of Richard Twamley and George Hepenstall of Rosnastraw (who were actually piked to death by John Carney).

The Pike – added information

Irish pike, ca. 1798, inscribed Kearney C. From Mealys Auctions.

Some Irish pike-heads included a cross-bar or “toggle” at their base, which could be used to entrap the adversary’s weapon or entangle the bridle of the adversary’s horse.

In terms of the pike’s length (including the haft), a wide variety was recommended by Irish authors—that is, from as little as four feet, to as long as twenty feet. Most Irish authors are unanimous, however, in noting that the pike’s advantage over the bayonet lay in its superior length.