Hildre Implement Company

Cowell-Hildre Implement Company came into being in 1946 when H.W. (Bo) Hildre, Petersburg, North Dakota and Vaughn Cowell of Valley City purchased the Greenland-Lunde Implement Company, the John Deere dealership in Cooperstown since 1925, from Nils M. Lunde.

Several years later, Vaughn Cowell decided to devote full time to his dairy farm north of Valley City so Bo bought him out of the partnership and the name was changed to Hildre Implement. He continued to do business in the tin-covered, two-story building on the corner of 8th and Burrell. In 1967, Bo retired and Jon, his son, became president of the Corporation.

In 1969, 13 acres were purchased on the southwest edge of town and Hildre Implement moved into their new home in March of 1974.

In 1979, Robert Norwood from Valley City joined the management of the Corporation. Present stockholders are Edith Hildre, Jon Hildre and Robert Norwood.

Source: Cooperstown, North Dakota 1882-1982 Centennial Page 217