Petersburg Lutheran Church


In the year 1882 the first settlers arrived in the vicinity of Petersburg. That same year the government survey was made and the land was opened for settlement in the spring of 1883. Among the early settlers Were a number of Norwegians who had come directly from Norway and from other settlements in this country. Most of these families came from settlements where they had enjoyed the privilege of an organized church life and they soon felt that something should be done toward securing these same privileges for themselves and their children if this was to be their future home.

Pastor Stener Svennungson had also homesteaded here and he became instrumental in organizing a congregation together with some of these pioneer settlers. The first place of worship was in a small school house south of the present church.

On April 4, 1886, a committee of five members was chosen to take up the problem of organizing a Lutheran congregation. On April 7, the committee met and adopted the necessary resolutions and on May 9, a meeting was held and the committee's report was accepted. The name given to the newly formed congregation was 'The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Petersburg." Pastor Svennungen was made chairman and A. R. Swendseid was made secretary.

