Charles Potts

Charles Potts Obituary

Following is a portion of an obituary for Charles Potts extracted from Lew Gaubert's The Code Family with corrections as suggested by Lew:

C. E. Potts, prominent citizen of Crookston, was called by death on December 21st at his home on Hunter Street. Mr. Potts took a great interest in public affairs for the building of Crookston and was held in high esteem by al his fellow men. He was a faith member of the Christ Episcopal church and was instrumental in the rebuilding of the church here recently. Mr. Potts was born July 16, 1862 at Vittoria, Ontario Canada to Edwin Lockwood Potts and was the grandson of LTC Jacob Potts who was a member of the United Empire Loyalists, who gave their allegiance to the British King and in return were granted lands on the shore Lake Erie in Ontario.

Mr. Potts spent most of his boyhood days in Canada and he finished his education at Upper Canada College, Toronto. He was associated with his father in the wholesale lumber business in Au Sable, Michigan, and came to Crookston 18 years ago as manager of the Atlas Lumber Company, which he purchased later and organized as the Home Lumber Company, of which he was president and manager at the time of his death. He was married to Hannah G. Youhill, July 8, 1887. Mr. Potts is survived by his widow and three daughters, Mrs. H. H. Clapp, Mrs. Earl Wilcox and Mrs. M. E. Code of Crookston and three sisters, Mrs. W. W. Sumner of Detroit, Michigan and Mrs. A. D. Anderson of Montreal, Canada who were here to visit their brother a short time before he passed away and Miss Marion Potts of Montreal, Canada.

Note: Corrections to C. E. Potts obituary: Charles Potts was the son of John Edwin Potts, grandson of Edwin Lockwood Potts and great grandson of LTC Jacob Potts.

Probate Court

in the Matter of the Estate of Charles E. Potts, Decedent ; The Stace of Minnesota, to Hannah Greenfield Potts, Edna Louise Code, Ethel Marguerette Clapp, Mary Edwina Wilcox and all persons interested in the final account and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The representatives of the above named decedent, having filed in this Court their final account of the administration of the estate of said decedent, together with their petition praying for the adjustment and allowance of said final account for distribution of the residue of said estate to the person thereunto entitled : Therefore YOU and EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this Court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House the city of Crookston, in the County of Polk, State of Minnesota, on the 1st day of June, 1926, at 10 0'clock A. M. why said petition should not be granted. Witness: The Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 6th day of May, 1926. (Probate Court Seal) MYRTLE I. HOVLAND Judge of Probate.

L. S. Miller, Crookston, Minn., Attorney for Petitioner.

Note: from The Code Family by Lewis Gaubert