Hannah Austin Note¶
Author unknown
AUSTIN. -- On Sunday, 29th ult., at her home in Lynn Valley, Township of Woodhouse, Hannah, widow of the late Jonathan Austin, aged 89 years and 4 months.
"Aunt Hannah," as she was generally designated, was a daughter of Jacob Potts, one of the U. E. Loyalist who settled in this country at an early date, and whose children in the persons of the late Col. Jacob Potts, and William Potts of Charlotteville, and Reynard, George and Philip of Woodhouse, and Elizabeth, wife of the late Jacob Lemon, sen., and "Aunt Hannah" were all very active participants in the pioneer life of this country.
Only one of the family (George, of Woodhouse) is still living.
"Aunt Hannah" was of a remarkably lively, active and cheerful temperament, and retained possession of her physical and mental powers until within the last few years.
Even after she lost the use of her eyesight, a couple of years since, she did not complain but maintained the same cheerful disposition as before.
Her remains were followed to the "Old Woodhouse" burying ground on Tuesday of last week by a large concourse of friends.