Jacob Potts¶
Jacob Potts Obituary¶
The obituary of Jacob Potts appeared in Christian Guardian newspaper issue of 7 Mar 1838.
"Died.- At Woodhouse, U.C., 24 Jan 1838, Jacob Potts, who was born January 14th 1761, obtained the evidence of pardoned sin and the spirit of adoption at the age of seventeen, and became a member of the Methodist Church, with which he remained until his dying day. Sixty years he has spent in the Church, during forty of which he acted as a class-leader, and during thirty improved his gifts in exhorting his brethren to steadfastness, and sinners to repentance. Many souls have been alarmed, and many comforted, under his labours; but his voice is silent in death - it no more consoles the worthy pilgrim, nor alarms the guilty sinner. Brother Potts had been afflicted with dropsy in the chest for five years past, during which time he suffered much; but his patient resignation to the will of God tells us that the Lord made his bed in sickness. He has left to mourn their loss, 8 children, 32 grand children and 47 great-grandchildren. But their 'loss is his infinite gain.'"