John Potts Receivership

John E. Potts Salt & Lumber Company Receivership

Text of John E. Potts Salt & Lumber Company Receivership






The Receivers, by direction of the Court, prepared to receive tenders for the large and valuable property below mentioned, belonging to the Estate:

PARCEL 1.—A large quantity of pine timber lands in Towns 23 N, R 2 E; 24 N, R 1 E; 25 N, R 1 E; 25 N, R 2 E; 25 N, R 3 E; 27 N, R 2 E; 27 N, R 3 E; 27 N R 4 E; 27 N, R 5 E; 28 N, R 1 E; 28 N, R 2 E; 28 N, R 3 E; 28 N, R 4 E; 29 N, R 1 E; and 25N R 1 W. These lands will be offered on the basis of the Receivers making title. Tenders will be received for the whole of this parcel or as per Lists I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 which can be had from the Receivers.

PARCEL 2.—A large and valuable tract of pine timber land in Town 33 N, R 4 E which will be offered separately upon the basis of making title thereto. See list 7 of Lands issued by Receivers.

PARCEL 3.—The Equity of the Company in a large and valuable tract of pine timber land situate in Towns 25 N, R 1 E; 25 N, R 2 E; 26 N, R 1 E; 30 N, R 1 E; 31 N, R 1 E; 31 N, R 2 E; 32 N, R 2 E; 33 N,R 1 E; 33 N, R 3 E; 33 N, R 4 E; 34 N, R 6 E, 34 N, R 7 E; 35 N, R 6 E. This tract to be offered subject to the balance of the unpaid purchase money and interest and unpaid taxes for 1890. See particulars as per List 8 of Lands to be had from Receivers.

PARCEL 4.—The Equity of the Company in a valuable tract of pine timber land situate in Towns 34 N, R 4 E, and 35 N, R 4 E, will be offered in the same way as the last preceding parcel. See particulars as per List 9 of Lands to be had from Receivers.

PARCEL 5.—The Equity of the Company in a small tract of valuable pine timber land situate In Town 31 N, R 2 E, will be offered in the same way as the last two parcels. See particulars as per List 10 of Lands to be had from Receivers.

PARCEL 6. - A valuable Improved farm of 240 acres with comfortable buildings, situate in Towns 26 N, R 5 E, and 27 N, R 5 E. This parcel will be offered subject to the payment of $1.571 65 with the interest at 7 per cent from December5, 1884. See List 11 of Lands to be had from Receivers.

PARCEL 7.—A valuable improved farm of 240 acres, with comfortable buildings situate in Towns 27 N, R 3 E, 27 N, R 4 E. This parcel will be offered on the basis of the Receivers making title. See List 12 of Lands to be had from Receivers.

PARCEL 8.—A large quantity of stump lands which the company hold by deed or contract, upon which taxes have accrued for several years past, situated in Towns 24 N, R 1 E; 24 N, R 2 E; 24 N, R 3 E; 25 N R 1 E; 25 N, R 2 E; 25 N, R 3 E; 25 N, R 4 E; 25 N, R 5 E; 25 N, R 6 E; 26 N, R 4 E; 26 N, R 5 E; 27 N, R 3 E; 27 N, R 4 E; 27 N, R 5 E; 28 N, R 3 E; 28 N, R 4 E. These lands will be offered subject to all claims for taxes upon them, and on the basis of the Receivers giving a quit claim title. Tenders will be received for the whole or any portion thereof. See Lists A and M of Stump Lands to be had from Receivers.

PARCEL 9. – The railway (including the road bed as it is), the rolling stock and equipment of the same, described generally as follows: Gauge of railway 3 feet. The main line extends from Au Sable to the Village of Potts, in Oscoda County, Michigan, about 88 miles with branches North and South of about 50 miles more without including sidings and short spurs. In all there is in use steel rails about 1,915 tons of 30 lbs., 500 tons of 35 lbs., 3,430 tons of 40 lbs., or a total of 5,845 tons.

Where settlements rendered fencing necessary substantial wire fences have been constructed. Substantial bridges have been erected, including two across the Au Sable River. Numerous sidings with necessary switch stands, frogs, etc., have been put in sufficient to accommodate large traffic. A telephone line has been constructed between Au Sable and Potts, and also over the whole system North of the Au Sable River. On the main line coal platforms and frost proof water tanks have been built. At Potts a round house with nine pits, steam heated with water pipes and hydrants and roofed with iron has been erected.

There is also a turn table in yard connecting with round house; also a machine shop, car shop, coach house for passenger train, oil house, paint shop, supply office, store house, car repair shop, foundry, blacksmith shop, coke and coal house and pattern room, train despatcher’s office, etc.

In the shops there is a large quantity of valuable machinery with shafting and pulleys and all necessary tools and implements to maintain, repair and keep in order the railway rolling stock and equipment. The motive power is supplied by a large engine. The round house and machine shop are lighted by electric light.

The waterworks are supplied with a large Worthington duplex force pump.

The rolling stock is composed of:

9 – twenty-eight ton Mogul locomotives, constructed especially for the Company by the Brooks Locomotive Works, of Dunkirk, N. Y.

1 – twenty-six ton Mogul locomotive, second-hand Brooks manufacture.

1 – eighteen ton locomotive, passenger, second-hand; H. K. Porter, manufacturer.

4 – twenty-eight ton Geared or Shay engines, built by Lima Machine Works.

1 – twenty ton Geared or Shay engines, built by Lima Machine Works.

3 – fifteen ton Geared or Shay engines, built by Lima Machine Works.

1 – first class plush upholstered passenger coach.

1 – second-class perforated wooden seat coach.

1 – combination baggage and express car.

1 – baggage car, 5 box cars, 263 Russel logging cars, 9 coal cars, 7 flat cars, 1 snow plow on car, 2 water tanks on cars, 9 hand cars, 1 sand dryer, and 2 snow scrapers and flangers.

Tenders will be received for this parcel separately, or any part of it, or conjointly with parcels 1, 2, 10, 11 and 13, or any of them.

PARCEL 10. – The steam circular and gang saw mill, lath mill, salt block, cooper shop, machine shop blacksmith shop, brick office, large frame barn, 7 lake and river docks and 1 land tram for piling lumber. Sheds for storing salt, etc., all lighted by electricity. Situated at Au Sable, Iosco County, Michigan. This parcel also to include about fifty acres containing channels and bayous with water storage capacity for about 1,500,000 feet of logs.

This is probably the largest and one of the best appointed establishments for the manufacture of lumber and salt in the State of Michigan.

PARCEL 11. – One large frame manager’s house, 1 ½ stories high, and also, seven 1 ½ story frame cottages, and 15 1-story frame cottages, conveniently situated for employees of mill or residents of the city, and adjoining last mentioned parcel.

Tenders will be received for these separately, with sufficient land for the accommodation of the occupants.

PARCEL 12. – A large new frame circular saw mill with two new shingle machines fitted with all modern improvements, situated at the Village of Potts, Oscoda County, Michigan; also 1 large shed for storing shingles. Ample yard and piling room, as may be agreed upon, will be conveyed with this parcel.

PARCEL 13. – A number of buildings conveniently situated for using in connection with Parcel 9, consisting of 1 large frame store with offices, 1 log warehouse, 3 frame warehouses, 1 baggage room, 1 large frame barn and stable, 1 log barn, 1 large hay shed, 1 harness store room, 2 large ice houses, 1 large cook camp with root house and cellar convenient, 8 buildings for men’s sleeping apartments, and 8 log dwelling houses. These are offered conjointly with Parcel 9, or separately.

PARCEL 14. – Eight frame houses, lathed and plastered; 1 of them two stories high, remainder one story high. 6 frame houses, double boarded and papered, one story high. 1 frame harness shop, 1 building used for a jail.

The above buildings and shop are conveniently situated for employees and others at the Village of Potts, and are offered separately, with sufficient land attached.

PARCEL 15. – Fifty span of large and valuable draught horses; 50 hogs.

5 full sets blacksmith’s tools, complete.

14 wagons and buggies of different descriptions.

8 large office safes.

A Large quantity of office furniture.

80 sets of harnesses.

A large quantity of harness and horse furnishing and appliances.

A large quantity of mill supplies.

About 15,000 pounds of chain.

A large quantity of lumbermen’s supplies and camp equipage

A lot of lumbermen’s tools and implements.

32 cook and box stoves.

260 lengths of stove pipe.

15 canvas tents; quilts, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, bed steads, bed springs, bed ticks, towels, blankets, and a large quantity of other miscellaneous articles.

Any of the articles in this parcel will be sold by private sale upon application to the Receivers, from whom lists and descriptions of the articles offered can be had.

Tenders will be received by the Receivers until the 1st of May, 1891, for all parcels (except 3, 4 and 5), which will be opened at 10 o’clock a.m., on the 1st of May, in the presence of all parties tendering at the office of the Receivers.

Tenders to be for cash or one-third cash, and the balance upon such terms and security as the Court may approve.

Tenders for 3, 4 and 5 to be for cash, and will be received until the 1st of June, 1891.

No tender necessarily accepted.

For any further particulars or information apply to


