Margaret Wilson¶
Father's Tree of Margaret Wilson¶
Parents and Siblings of Margaret Wilson¶
William Wilson was born on 13 Jul 1792 in Norfolk, Ontario, Canada, died on 19 Jul 1847 in Halfway House Corner, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada at age 55, and was buried in Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Simcoe, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada.
William married Maria Loder on 8 Nov 1821 in Ontario, Canada. Maria was born in Aug 1794 in Norfolk, Ontario, Canada, died on 20 Jan 1865 at age 70, and was buried in Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Simcoe, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
Mary Amelia Wilson was born on 20 Jan 1815 in Ontario, Canada, died on 10 Apr 1817 at age 2, and was buried in Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Simcoe, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada.
Jane Wilson was born in 1820 in Ontario, Canada.
Maria Wilson was born in 1821 in Ontario, Canada and died in 1821.
Augustus Wilson was born on 4 May 1830 in Simco, Ontario, Canada and died on 5 Jul 1910 in Simco, Ontario, Canada at age 80.
Augustus married Jane Henrietta "Jennie" Gibson on 2 Oct 1877 in Burford, Ontario, Canada. Jane was born on 24 Jul 1835 in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, died on 17 Aug 1916 in Simco, Ontario, Canada at age 81, and was buried in Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery.
William Wilson was born on 4 Apr 1833 in Ontario, Canada.
John Wilson was born in 1839 in Ontario, Canada.
Margaret Louise Wilson was born on 6 Nov 1842 in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada, died on 18 Dec 1915 in Detroit, Michigan at age 73, and was buried in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada.
Margaret married John Edwin Potts on 11 Sep 1861 in Simcoe, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada. John was born on 8 Oct 1838 in Vittoria, Ontario, Canada, died on 28 Mar 1909 in Sedro Wooley, Washington at age 70, and was buried in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada.
Death of Augustus Wilson¶
Brother of Margaret Wilson
Another break in the ranks of the older generation in our town has occurred in the death of Augustus Wilson, eldest son of William Wilson, who was one of Simcoe's earliest and most prominent and public-spirited citizens.
Until Saturday he was in his usual condition of good health and able to be about, and on that day complained some of feeling ill, and the illness developed into pleurisy, and the end came in the early morning of the 5th inst. at his home on Union Street.
The deceased was born in Simcoe on the 4th of May, 1830, and was therefore in his 81st year, which means that he was one of the longest lived citizens born in our town, and who was a continuous resident during his long lifetime.
During his earlier years he took quite an active part in the business affairs of Simcoe; but latterly he lived retired in a very quiet manner, and during all his life he maintained the respect and confidence of all whom he came in contact with, and his demise will be regretted by a wide circle of relatives and friends.
He was an adherent of the English Church, and in politics he was a member of the Conservative party with the history of which the whole family to which he belonged was very closely connected in this county, his father having presented this District as long back as 1836.
The sympathy of the community will be felt for his widow and other relatives, the nearest of whom are Dr. John Wilson of Detroit, a brother of deceased, and Mrs. Aquila Walsh, of Orangeville, and Mrs. J. E. Potts of Detroit, two sisters deceased. One brother, William Wilson, a former prominent citizen of Simcoe, died some twenty-three years ago.
The funeral service will be held at the home of the deceased on Thursday, at two o'clock, and interment will take place in the old family plot at St. John's, Woodhouse.
From 7 Jul 1910 Simcoe Reformer newspaper.
Death of An Old Resident
Mr. Augustus Wilson, a well-known figure of the town, has passed from our sight. He was born in Simcoe, then a struggling settlement of a score or so houses, in 1830, the eldest son of William Wilson, whose name figures prominently in the earlier history of our county, as a business man and as the county's representative for a time in the Legislature.
Mr. Wilson's death came rather suddenly. Though past four score years of age, he had always enjoyed good health, his faculties were unimpaired and to strangers he would easily appear a man 10 years younger than he was. Until Saturday he was in the enjoyment of his usual good health; that evening he complained of feeling out of sorts, but even up to Monday afternoon he was cheerful and talkative, with no apparent thought of the serious nature of his illness. Early on Tuesday morning the end came, the cause of death being stated to be pleurisy.
He is survived by his widow and by one brother, Dr. John Wilson of Detroit, and two sisters, Mrs. Aquilla Walsh of Orangeville and Mrs. John E. Potts of Detroit.
The funeral takes place this Thursday afternoon from the family residence, King street to St. John's Church, Woodhouse.
Death of Dr. John Wilson¶
Brother of Margaret Wilson
The many old friends of Dr. John Wilson, in whose memories he had a warm place, were shocked by the intelligence of his sudden death from an attack of bronchial pneumonia last Friday, at the residence of his son, Dr. Wm. Wilson, at St. Joseph, Michigan.
Dr. John Wilson went from Simcoe to Detroit over twenty-five years ago, where he has since resided. A few days ago, not feeling well, he went on a visit to his son at St. Joseph and while there died very suddenly.
His remains were brought to Simcoe on Sunday morning by his sons William and Douglas, and taken to the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. Edgett Tisdale, and in the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock were interred in the family plot in Oakwood cemetery, many of his former friends attending the funeral.
The late Dr. Wilson is survived by his widow, two sons and two daughters. He was born in Simcoe in 1838, received his earlier education in the Simcoe Grammar School, and finally matriculated in Arts in Toronto University. He then attended McGill College, Montreal, and subsequently completed his studies in London, England, obtaining the diploma of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.
He returned to Simcoe in 1859 and resided here until his removal to Detroit. By his courteous manner and enterprise for the benefit of the town he became very popular, and for several years was elected to the Town Council, and for [a] number of terms was Warden of Norfolk. He was the first Mayor of the town of Simcoe at its incorporation in 1878. He was a Past Master of Norfolk Lodge, No. 10. A. F. & A. M., and a Past Principal of Ezra Chapter, No. 23, R.A.M. He was also a member of Lynn Lodge, No. 28, A.O.U.W.