Maryland Residence

Baltimore County

In Baltimore county before 1820, you encounter two terms referring to an area of land. One of the terms is Hundreds and the other is parishes. Hundreds as a political subdivision date back to the Roman occupation of Britain. There are several variations of the original meaning of the term. The most commonly accepted is that it was an area that contained 100 families. Another variation is that it was an area that was large enough to raise an army of 100 men. From the late 1600s to early 1800s in Maryland the term was applied as a political subdivision of the county primarily for tax purposes and judicial affairs. The latter being that there was a constable appointed for each hundred and a justice of the peace for each hundred. The 1790 and 1810 Federal census for Baltimore county are at least partially broken down by hundreds. The equivalent term today for a hundred is an election district within the county.

When Baltimore county was fist formed, it included todays Cecil county, and Harford county, parts of Carroll, Anne Arundel, and Howard counties and since the early boundaries were not fixed it probably also extended into Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Harford County

In March of 1774, Harford county was created out of Baltimore county. with the Little Gunpowder river serving as the dividing line between the two counties.


Hundreds map

The Potts family resided in Susquehanna Hundred

Maryland Census Index 1776-1778

State Agency Series Listing at the Maryland State Archives

Pots, Cathran Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 11. MSA S 1419-12-12817

Pots, Rynard Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 11. MSA S 1419-12-12816

Potts, Cathran Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 11. MSA S 1419-12-12821

Potts, Elisabeth Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 11. MSA S 1419-12-12822

Potts, Jacob Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 11. MSA S 1419-12-12823

Potts, John Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 11. MSA S 1419-12-12824

Rees, Joseph Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 22. MSA S 1419-12-13213

Rees, Joseph Date: 1776 Harford County Susquehannah Hundred Source: Box 2, f. 17, p. 27. MSA S 1419-12-13214

Note: Joseph Rees may be the Joseph Reese that married Catharine Potts (23 Jun 1778)

Maryland Assessment Index 1783

Maryland State Archives 1783 Harford County

Rinard Potts. HA Harford Upper Hundred, p. 110. MSA S 1161-6-9 1/4/5/49

Jacob Potts. HA Harford Upper Hundred, p. 110. MSA S 1161-6-9 1/4/5/49