32. James George Codd, son of Abraham Codd and Margaret Doye, was born in 1698 in Wexford County, Ireland and died on 13 Feb 1763 in Wicklow County, Ireland at age 65.
James married Ann Groves about 1732 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland. Ann was born about 1711 in Aghold Parish, County Wicklow, Ireland and died in 1760 about age 49.
Children from this marriage were:
16 i. George Codd (born about 1732 in Boley, Wicklow County, Ireland - died in Wicklow, County, Ontario, Canada). George married Rachael Twamley, daughter of John Twamley and Lady Mary Lyndon, on 22 Feb 1764 in St. Michaels, Aghold, Wicklow, Ireland. Rachael was born in 1737 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland, died on 20 Mar 1826 in Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada at age 89, and was buried in Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada.
ii. Elizabeth Codd was born in 1732 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1756 at age 24.
iii. Abraham Codd was born in 1737 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland.
iv. James Codd was born in 1741 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland.
v. Jane Codd was born in 1743 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland.
vi. Ann Codd was born in 1745 in Aghold Church, Wicklow County, Ireland.
vii. John Codd was born in 1747 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland.
viii. Thomas Codd was born in 1751 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland.
ix. Frances Codd was born in 1756 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland.
33. Ann Groves was born about 1711 in Aghold Parish, County Wicklow, Ireland and died in 1760 about age 49.
Ann married James George Codd about 1732 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland. James was born in 1698 in Wexford County, Ireland and died on 13 Feb 1763 in Wicklow County, Ireland at age 65.
34. John Twamley, son of James Twamley and Margaret, was born in 1715 in Coolkenna, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1762 in Shillelagh, Wicklow County, Ireland at age 47.
John married Lady Mary Lyndon on 11 Jun 1740 in Crosspatrick, Wicklow County, Ireland. Mary was born about 1718 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1783 in Berrow, Worcestershire, Engalnd about age 65.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Mary Twamley was born in 1736.
17 ii. Rachael Twamley (born in 1737 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland - died on 20 Mar 1826 in Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada). Rachael married George Codd, son of James George Codd and Ann Groves, on 22 Feb 1764 in St. Michaels, Aghold, Wicklow, Ireland. George was born about 1732 in Boley, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in Wicklow, County, Ontario, Canada.
iii. Henrietta Twamley was born in 1738.
iv. Elizabeth Twamley was born about 1742.
v. Jane Twamley was born on 3 Nov 1743.
vi. Isabella Twamley was born in 1748.
18 vii. Peter Twamley (born in 1756 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland - died in 1828 in Waterford, Waterford County, Ireland). Peter married Mary Giles about 1774 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland. Mary was born in 1755 in County Wicklow, Ireland.
35. Lady Mary Lyndon, daughter of William Lyndon and Anne Campe, was born about 1718 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1783 in Berrow, Worcestershire, Engalnd about age 65.
Mary married John Twamley on 11 Jun 1740 in Crosspatrick, Wicklow County, Ireland. John was born in 1715 in Coolkenna, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1762 in Shillelagh, Wicklow County, Ireland at age 47.
36. John Twamley, son of James Twamley and Margaret, was born in 1715 in Coolkenna, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1762 in Shillelagh, Wicklow County, Ireland at age 47.
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37. Lady Mary Lyndon, daughter of William Lyndon and Anne Campe, was born about 1718 in Aghold, Wicklow County, Ireland and died in 1783 in Berrow, Worcestershire, Engalnd about age 65.
(Duplicate. See Below)
40. Edward James was born in 1700.
Edward married someone.
His child was:
20 i. William James (born in 1731 in Carlow, Kilkenny, Ireland - died in 1836 in Carlow, Kilkenny, Ireland). William married Mary Noble on 25 Feb 1754 in County Carlow, Ireland. Mary was born in 1730 and died in 1817 at age 87.
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